Advanced Search

Advanced Image Search

Google is a web index. It finds web-sites that contain the word or words you enter into the search box. Using their advance search features allows the user to quickly and accurately narrow their search results.

Google is a web index. It finds web-sites that contain images you enter into the search box. Using their advance search features allows the user to quickly and accurately narrow their search results.                       

"Use the new Google Books

You can read, download, or preview books on Google Books. If you find a book you want to read, you might be able to read it on Google Books, buy it online, or borrow it from a library.

Note: Some books are provided by publishers, while others are scanned as part of the Library Project."

"Wolfram|Alpha is a unique engine for computing answers and providing knowledge.

It works by using its vast store of expert-level knowledge and algorithms to automatically answer questions, do analysis and generate reports."

"Since 2009, SweetSearch has been the best place for students - and anyone else - to begin their research. It leverages Google to search only a fully vetted "whitelist" of websites. The original index was created by 50+ librarians, educators and researchers who collectively invested over 100,000 hours in finding the best resources"

Photo Search free to use and share